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How do I add Minichat friends on imoo Watch Phone APP?

Only users who download and install the APP on their phones and bind the watch to their phones will automatically enter the family group chat module. A watch can be bound to up to 20 phones.

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You can leave 20 comments a day, and you can't comment beyond that limit. This is normal.

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How do I use Minichat on imoo Watch Phone?

Enter “More”, find and enter the Minichat APP, long press “Hold to Talk" in the Minichat interface to start recording...

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I can't find the chat history on imoo Watch Phone.

The watch can store the latest 500 text (voice) messages for Minichat.

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How do I clear Minichat messages in imoo Watch Phone?

In APP settings, click “Clear Cache” to delete messages, or long press a message to delete it.

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